February 5, 2024: [Uncategorized]
Life updates
December 23, 2021: [Uncategorized]
The Name of the Year in Academia – Norwegian Edition
July 11, 2021: [General, PhD Life]
On Career Paths and Gratitude
June 10, 2021: [Conferences]
On establishing a Code of Conduct for Conferences
May 22, 2021: [Uncategorized]
The First International Spring School for Biomedical Visualization
January 26, 2021: [Productivity]
May 30, 2020: [General]
Updated web page!
August 4, 2018: [General, PhD Pro Tips, Publications]
Updated my Publications Page
March 2, 2018: [Uncategorized]
New video interview
October 16, 2017: [Conferences]
IEEE VIS 2017 Conference Report
August 5, 2017: [Uncategorized]
Interview by the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen
December 31, 2016: [Review]
Almost 2017 – about time for a 2016 review
November 6, 2016: [PhD Life]
Defended my PhD thesis ‘The Virtual Surgical Pelvis: Anatomy Visualization for Education and Surgical Planning’
September 27, 2016: [Awards]
MedViz image contest 2016 winner!
August 4, 2016: [Publications]
VCBM 2016 paper ‘Sline: Seamless Line Illustration for Interactive Biomedical Visualization’ accepted!
July 12, 2016: [Publications]
VIS – SciVis paper ‘PelVis: Atlas-based Surgical Planning for Oncological Pelvic Surgery’ accepted!
May 13, 2016: [Presentations, Publications]
Slides Eurographics 2016 – Education Papers: The Online Anatomical Human
April 5, 2016: [General]
Coursera course on anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis
April 2, 2016: [Nerd Alert, Tutorial]
Shaders in VTK: a cel-shaded skull example in 100 lines of Python code
March 20, 2016: [Presentations, Publications]
EuroVis short paper ‘VarVis: Visualizing Anatomical Variation in Branching Structures’ accepted!
March 1, 2016: [General]
Comic Book-Inspired Illustrative Medical Visualization
February 26, 2016: [Nerd Alert]
Colormaps in Medical Visualization
February 22, 2016: [Presentations, Publications]
EuroGraphics Education paper ‘The Online Anatomical Human: Web-based Anatomy Education’ accepted!
February 11, 2016: [General, Weekly Status Update]
On Research Visits, Paper Writing and Club Mate
January 3, 2016: [General, Weekly Status Update]
2016 is here! A time for looking back and looking forward.
August 14, 2015: [Presentations, Publications]
VCBM paper ‘Illustrative Multi-volume Rendering for PET/CT Scans’ accepted!
May 17, 2015: [Gadgets, Nerd Alert]
Even cheaper standing desk at IKEA
May 17, 2015: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #34: Black No. 1
February 21, 2015: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #33: Mmmmm
February 15, 2015: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #32: Transitions
February 8, 2015: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #31: Crankiness-driven Development
January 18, 2015: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #30: Always be Pomodoroing
January 11, 2015: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #29: A Blog About Nothing
December 14, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #28: Paranymph
November 29, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #27: Borg Queen
November 22, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #26: Desideratum
November 8, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #25: Twitteriffic
October 26, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #24: Granny Smit
October 7, 2014: [Presentations]
Slides of RegistrationShop talk at VCBM 2014
October 6, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #23: Bayonetta
September 21, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #22: Ain’t nobody got time for that
September 14, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #21: PacificStress
September 7, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #20: VCBM
August 31, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #19: NP-hard
August 23, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #18: True Blood
August 16, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #17: Space Dress
August 9, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #16: Six Feet Under
July 31, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #15: Acceptance
July 19, 2014: [General]
Summer blog break!
July 13, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #14: Echo
July 5, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #13: Abbreviation Bonanza
June 28, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #12: Emacsochism
June 24, 2014: [PhD Life, Productivity]
FacebookFree – On quitting Facebook for a week
June 21, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #11: A robot renegade cop
June 14, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #10: Mothra
June 7, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #9: Cattle Decapitation
June 4, 2014: [General, PhD Life, PhD Pro Tips]
How scientific conferences are like music festivals
June 1, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #8: Fortarock Review
May 24, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #7: Webcam Chicks
May 17, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #6: Facials
May 10, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #5: Bravely Default
May 3, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #4: Ook! Ook?
April 26, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #3: P-word Presentations.
April 20, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #2: Great tits.
April 16, 2014: [Search Term Gems]
Search Term Gems: Your Questions Answered #1
April 13, 2014: [Weekly Status Update]
Weekly Status Update #1: Lots of Sloths.
March 27, 2014: [Presentations]
Elmar Eisemann TU Delft DDS talk
January 19, 2014: [PhD Pro Tips, Productivity, Tutorial]
Remote Desktop Tutorial – TU Delft edition
January 14, 2014: [Presentations]
The Delft Data Science New Year Event
December 27, 2013: [General]
The new MedVis bible is available 🙂
November 29, 2013: [Productivity]
November 25, 2013: [Productivity]
Three tasks a day keeps the procrastination away
November 9, 2013: [Publications, Science in plain English]
New publication: Lymphatic drainage pathways from the cervix uteri
November 8, 2013: [Uncategorized]
November 5, 2013: [Gadgets, PhD Life]
Pelvic 3D model (finger)painting with the Leap Motion
October 23, 2013: [Productivity, Review]
October 17, 2013: [PhD Life]
This week in Graduate School…
October 13, 2013: [PhD Pro Tips, Productivity, Review]
Using Evernote to organize your PhD
October 13, 2013: [Uncategorized]
The new medvis bible will be released soon!
October 13, 2013: [Uncategorized]
October 13, 2013: [General]
August 12, 2013: [Gadgets, Review]
The Leap Motion: First Leap!
June 1, 2013: [Productivity, Review]
Comparison of Task Managers: Remember the Milk vs. Astrid vs. Wunderlist vs. Todoist
April 30, 2013: [General, PhD Life]
My PhD supervisor left me
April 12, 2013: [PhD Life]
What’s it like to be a PhD-student?
March 21, 2013: [PhD Pro Tips, Presentations]
Preparing for a Scientific Meeting for PhD Students
February 23, 2013: [Productivity, Review]
HabitRPG Review – Achievement Unlocked: Gamification Done Right!
February 17, 2013: [PhD Pro Tips, Presentations]
Scientific Presentation Pro Tips Part 2: The Presentation
February 7, 2013: [PhD Pro Tips, Productivity]
Inbox Zero Redux: reduce e-mail overload like a boss
January 30, 2013: [PhD Pro Tips, Presentations]
Scientific Presentation Pro Tips Part 1: The Preparation
January 23, 2013: [PhD Pro Tips, Productivity, Review]
The Standing Desk Review
January 18, 2013: [PhD Pro Tips, Productivity]
Gamification in your PhD? Gamify Your Life with HabitRPG!
January 17, 2013: [General]
Welcome to my new blog!
January 15, 2013: [Productivity]
Procrastinate much? Become more productive: one Pomodoro at a time!
January 8, 2013: [Nerd Alert]
My Medical Visualization Software Development Setup and Tech Stack
January 4, 2013: [Publications]
New Publication: ”Toward a highly-detailed 3D pelvic model” and Google Scholar Citations
December 31, 2012: [General, Publications]
A look back on 2012
December 27, 2012: [General]