My PhD supervisor left me

This post is of a more personal nature than most, but I would still like to write about this. Last September I took a course called ‘Achieving your goals and performing more successfully in your PhD‘ (a serious contender for the longest-course-name-ever-awards). Among other things, the course had us thinking of potential threats to getting our PhD-degree in the given time. The first thing that came to my mind was the thought of my supervisor leaving me. And guess what, that totally happened: my PhD supervisor left me!

Welcome to my new blog!

This blog used to be hosted as a TU Delft weblog, but today I successfully moved out of there! I imported the posts and comments from the old location and relocated here, so nothing is lost. There were a couple of major issues I had with the TU Delft weblog service that were really starting to get on my nerves:

Categorized as General

A look back on 2012

As is traditional in this time of year, I thought it would be nice to summarize some of the highlights in my professional life of 2012. The year started well enough, I was working on my master thesis (The Unified Anatomical Human) and finally graduated in March obtaining my degree in Computer Science – Media and Knowledge Engineering.

At the graduation ceremony with Professor Jansen


Another day, another new blog! Recently, I’ve read this post by Eva Lantsoght entitled ‘Why Blogging is for Every Single Academic’ and also a series of posts on the Scientific American blog. These inspired me to start a blog of my own. I’ve only started doing my PhD about 9 months ago, so I guess now’s as good a time as any (if not a better) to do this! I already have a mildly successful blog for my hobby (baking GameCakes) and contribute to the community website for all things medical visualization, but now I have this blog to really call my own. I’ll be posting about my research, conferences, publications, productivity, and maybe even some programming stuff.

Categorized as General