My weekly status update seems to have skipped a week again. If I keep this up, soon we’ll have a bi-weekly status update on our hands! This week featuring: PacificVis, VIS, lunch presentations, meetings and Anaal Nathrakh:
Category: Weekly Status Update
Weekly Status Update #25: Twitteriffic
I missed a weekly status update last week and I have no real explanation or excuse for it, but I’ll make it up to you by not missing this one 😉 It’s the 25th edition already, featuring: inaugurations, the ESSO best video award, IEEE VIS preparations, and my crochet shawl update.
Weekly Status Update #24: Granny Smit
As expected, I did manage to not write a single weekly status update during my holiday, but fun time is over now, so let’s do this! This week featuring: holiday fun, communication channels, noise generating, mindmapping and crochet:
Weekly Status Update #23: Bayonetta
Alright, so I’m a bit late, but it’s still weekly status update time regardless. Attentive readers will notice I skipped last week, but I think there were extenuating circumstances which I’ll describe later. For now, here’s what happened in the last two-ish weeks, featuring PacificVis, baking GameCakes, STW annual congress, holidays and Bayonetta:
Weekly Status Update #22: Ain’t nobody got time for that
This will be the shortest weekly status update in the history of weekly status updates, I imagine, but let’s see what’s up: PacificVis, PhD defenses, Promotors, BOA and blinky lights.
Weekly Status Update #21: PacificStress
Busy times, but not too busy for a short weekly status update of course. This week featuring: VCBM (once more), PacificVis, VIS, a journal review and building VTK. Could this post be any more boring? I think not!
Weekly Status Update #20: VCBM
Wow, twenty weeks of the weekly status update already. Not bad! This week featuring: VCBM preparations, VCBM beginnings, VCBM dinner, VCBM social events and a VCBM presentation:
Weekly Status Update #19: NP-hard
I’m a bit later than usual this week, but I still want to post this weekly status update. Better late than never, right? A short post this week, featuring more implementation, short breaks, VCBM preparations, computer science choices and sleeping:
Weekly Status Update #18: True Blood
Oh, Weekly Status Update time already. Time flies when you’re… Well, it seems to fly progressively faster as you get older, what’s up with that. In any case, I don’t think I have much, but let’s see what’s there: programming, ambient noise, holiday endings, True Blood and more True Blood. Let’s do this.
Weekly Status Update #17: Space Dress
Hmm, a weekly status update again, what to do, what to wear? I mean write of course. I have the feeling it was quite the uneventful week again but let’s see what we’ve got: coding conundrums, conference travel planning, sharing and caring, wardrobe acquisitions and the pleinbioscoop of Rotterdam. Now to the untrained eye, it looks like there is no relation between these items at all, but then, well, the untrained eye would be right. Bad writing time!