Weekly Status Update #4: Ook! Ook?

It’s about that time of the week again: weekly status update time! I’m starting to look forward to writing these status updates now and already get started on them quite early in the week. Good times! In this round:  programming sucks (also for people that are not me), goodbyes, feeling loved, simplification, bullet journals and Sigh.

Weekly Status Update #3: P-word Presentations.

It’s that time of the week again: weekly status update time! This edition features: productivity presentations,  demo video recording, programming flowcharts, failing consistently and the awesome that is Lana del Rey.

Search Term Gems: Your Questions Answered #1

It’s time for some search term gems! I thought it might be beneficial to look through the search terms people used to get to my website and respond to any questions you might have. Depending on the amount of search terms I get usable for this, I hope to make this into a regular thing 🙂 Let’s get started with the first 5 questions after the jump:

Weekly Status Update #1: Lots of Sloths.

I’ve noticed I am having a really hard time maintaining a regular blog posting frequency here. So, inspired by Charl Botha’s always awesome ‘Weekly Head Voices’, I present you: the Weekly Status Update #1. The general idea and rules for these status updates:

  1. They will be bite-sized short updates.
  2. They will contain assorted musings, cool finds and perhaps some highlights from my lab journal.
  3. These may or may not contain useful/helpful information and will probably be completely incoherent.
  4. I have a thing for bullet point lists, so expect those in there too.

Right, so let’s get started!

Remote Desktop Tutorial – TU Delft edition

Earlier this week I discovered the magic of having access to my work pc from home by remote desktop wizardry. I’ve known for some time that it is possible, in a theoretical sense, but I always assumed there would be too much hassle involved. Now, thanks to the help my co-workers Francois and Ruud, I know better! And you can too 🙂

This is me doing a VMTK levelset segmentation at my TU Delft pc... On a Sunday morning from home!
This is me doing a VMTK levelset segmentation at my TU Delft pc… On a Sunday morning from home!

I will show you how to do this yourself (if you have a TU Delft desktop computer there too 😉 ) in a brief remote desktop tutorial after the jump:

The Delft Data Science New Year Event

Yesterday the Delft Data Science New Year Event took place in, you guessed it, Delft! It was a fun afternoon filled with interesting talks, posters and demos. The head of our Computer Graphics and Visualization group, Elmar Eisemann, gave a talk on ‘Visualization and Big Data’ including live demos of remote rendering using Exposure Render, the webviewer of my project made by MSc student Cees-Willem Hofstede, and also his Leap Motion powered controls. 

The Delft Data Science crowd
The Delft Data Science crowd. I was there too! 😉 Picture courtesy of the CUbRIK Project

Check out my first attempt at Storifying it after the jump: