A weekly status update? Bet you didn’t see that one coming 😉 This week featuring evaluations, focusing, group trips, critical social activity levels and more vegetable garden stuff:
Category: Weekly Status Update
Weekly Status Update #5: Bravely Default
You know the drill, weekly status update time! This week featuring doctoral colloquium submissions, latex, vegetable gardens, Â meditation and Bravely Default. Let’s dig in:
Weekly Status Update #4: Ook! Ook?
Weekly Status Update #3: P-word Presentations.
It’s that time of the week again: weekly status update time! This edition features:Â productivity presentations, Â demo video recording, programming flowcharts, failing consistently and the awesome that is Lana del Rey.
Weekly Status Update #2: Great tits.
It’s time for another Weekly Status Update. This time featuring project meetings, half-way points, Scrum and a webcam feed for a coffee bar featuring great tits 😉
Weekly Status Update #1: Lots of Sloths.
I’ve noticed I am having a really hard time maintaining a regular blog posting frequency here. So, inspired by Charl Botha’s always awesome ‘Weekly Head Voices’, I present you: the Weekly Status Update #1. The general idea and rules for these status updates:
- They will be bite-sized short updates.
- They will contain assorted musings, cool finds and perhaps some highlights from my lab journal.
- These may or may not contain useful/helpful information and will probably be completely incoherent.
- I have a thing for bullet point lists, so expect those in there too.
Right, so let’s get started!