- INF251 Computer Graphics (2024)
- INF253 Visual Data Science (2022, 2024)
- INF219 Project in Computer Science (2020, 2021)
- INF101 Object-Oriented Programming (2019)
- INF358 Seminar in Visualization (2017, 2018, 2019)
Guest lectures
- BI Oslo: GRA 4143 Visualisations and Network Theory – Master level course (2021)
- Haukeland University Hospital: Specialty education in neuroscience – PhD level (2020)
- Høgskulen på Vestlandet: RAD840 Biomedisin, bildebehandling og bildeanalyse – Master level (2019, 2020, 2021)
- Høgskulen på Vestlandet: HELSAM301 Introduksjon til helse og samfunn (2019)
- University of Bergen: INF250 Foundations of data-oriented visual computing (2018)
Summer/winter schools
- International: Bio+Med+Vis Spring school – PhD and Master level (2021)
- UGent: “Image processing for correlated and multimodal imaging techniques” – PhD level (2020)
- Bergen Summer Research School: “Actionable knowledge to meet global challenges” – PhD level (2020)
- BI Oslo: “Digital Transformation – Applied Social Network Analysis” – MSc level (2018, 2019, (2020 – cancelled due to Covid-19))
- Norwegian Research Schools: “Course in Science communication” – PhD level (2018)
- NORBIS: “Communicating research by visualisation, illustration and storytelling” – PhD level (2017)
- Main advisor: Lucie Davids Main advisor: Fourough Gharbalchi, co-advisor: Gjertrud Rønningen – VASCUL-AID: Developing Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven Tools to Predict Vascular Disease Risk and Progression – funding: Horizon Europe (2025-)
- Main advisor: Fourough Gharbalchi, co-advisor: Gjertrud Rønningen – Tailored Decision-making in Endovascular Infrarenal Aneurysm Repair supported by Machine learning-based Analysis. – funding: Helse Vest (2025-)
- Main advisor: Sherin Sugathan – Smart Pathology Visualization for Multimodal 4D Medical Imaging Data – funding: Informatics Department (2019-2025 (expected))
- Main advisor: Eric Mörth – Multimodal medical visualization – funding: TMS (2019-2023)
- Co-advisor: Kari Strøno Wagner-Larsen – Advanced MRI for developing more personalized treatment strategies in uterine cervical cancer – funding: Helse Vest (2021-2024)
- Co-advisor: Vetle Hushagen – Brain Architecture and Use of Digital Tools – funding: NFR Industrial PhD (2020-2023)
- Co-advisor: Fabian Bolte – MetaVis: Visual Exploration in Visualization Space – funding: NFR (2016-2020)

- Sofia Eike: Msc thesis (2021-2022)
- Jarle Wallewik: Msc thesis (2021-2022)
- Mathias Bøe: Msc thesis (2021-2022)
- Stian Soltvedt: INF319 project “Open Anatomy Explorer: A Web-based Tool for Medical Education” (2020) and MSc thesis “Evaluating vascular visualization methods for pre-operative planning in the mesentery” (2020-2021) –
- Robin Grundvåg: INF319 project “Improving Depth Perception Of Maximum Intensity Difference Accumulation With Advanced Illumination” (2020)
- Nastasja Steinhauer (Erasmus exchange): INF319 project: “Visual Analytics Explorer for Cervical Cancer Cohort Studies” (2020)
- Tanja Eichner (Erasmus exchange): Internship project: “Visual Analytics for Endometrial Tumor Tissue Characterization using Multi-Modal Imaging Data” (2020)
- Elke Grabe (Erasmus exchange): INF319 project: “Web-based Interactive 3D Visualization of Osteological Collections” (2018)

- Robin Grundvåg, Stian Soltvedt, Vegard Itland: INF219 project: “Brainstorm: Visualizing brain DTI data using particle systems” (2018)
- Ulrike Sprengel (Erasmus exchange): INF219 project: “Spatio -Temporal Development of Mouse Brains” (2018)